Why am I getting an error message when I try to return a Kindle title?
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2024 Views: 425

You may receive an error message such as "unmapped error 7" or "Error! Kindle loans must be returned through Amazon's site or your Kindle device" when you attempt to return Kindle titles.

Previously you were able to return their Kindle books from the library's collection website. OverDrive has removed this ability to address issues with returns not always syncing with Amazon as expected.

Kindle Books are automatically returned to at the end of your lending period. If you would like to return a Kindle Book before its due date, you must now return it on Amazon's website, on their Kindle ereader, or from the Kindle app.

Unfortunately WCPL has no control over how OverDrive handles their checkout and return processes, but here's how to return Kindle titles:

If you do not wish to return titles through Amazon, you are welcome to keep titles for the full lending period, until they are returned automatically.

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