How can a local author participate in author programs at the libraries?
Last Updated: May 22, 2023 Views: 1592

The first step for authors to become involved with author programs at Wake County Public Libraries (WCPL) is to be sure that we own copies of your book(s). Please see this page for information on submitting your book for review.

WCPL does not host traditional "book signing" programs.  As your local public library, our role is to give your book exposure on our library shelves, not filling a retail role as a bookstore would do. Instead, we offer the following four different types of author & writing programs at our regional libraries. 

  1. WCPL hosts an annual local author reception called "Authors in Your Backyard: a Celebration of Local Writers" each spring. The event features over fifty (50) local writers, about a dozen of whom are able to do short readings of their works, a keynote address by a well-known North Carolina author (such as Diane Chamberlain, Katy Munger, etc.), and a reception with refreshments and a chance for local authors to network together and share experiences and tips. This event focuses on local authors who are either self-published or published by small presses, regardless of whether or not WCPL owns their books. If you would like to be invited to our next local author reception, please email us and we will add you to our list. 
  2. WCPL usually hosts one or two other series of author programs at our seven regional libraries throughout the year, which often focus on a specific genre or category (Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Literary, etc.) and for these programs we typically invite established authors who are known within their genre and whose books the library regularly purchases through our vendors. 
  3. WCPL may also host one or two nationally known and / or bestselling authors for a special "Meet the Author" program throughout the year. 
  4. If you are a new author and/or are interested in improving your writing, WCPL also hosts several series of "Write It!" programs throughout the year featuring established authors & writing professors giving workshops on the specifics aspects of the writing craft (story, characters, pacing, dialog, etc.) as well as tips on getting published and marketing your work. Check our adult events calendar to see if our next series of Write It! programs will be coming up soon.

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