An OverDrive title I saw earlier isn't available anymore. What happened to it?
Last Updated: May 22, 2023 Views: 540

Due to the way publishers sell library access to e-content, some titles expire if we don't renew them (at additional cost to the library for each renewal period). While WCPL actively maintains its e-content collection, you may occasionally see OverDrive titles with "0 available copies," or they may be removed from the collection.

We evaluate each renewal carefully before making our decision to allow a title to expire, and we work to remove these expired titles as soon as possible. We also place a note on your library account informing you of this event.

If you would like us to consider renewing a downloadable title, please suggest it for purchase. Our Collection Development department takes our patrons' suggestions into account when deciding whether to purchase or renew a title.

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