Why can't I log in to OverDrive or Libby?
Last Updated: May 22, 2023 Views: 14149

There are several different reasons you might have trouble logging in to OverDrive. Here are the most common error messages and the reasons behind them.

  • Incorrect password
    The PIN you entered was incorrect. You may have typed your PIN wrong, or the PIN may not be what you think it is. Please call or visit your local library or contact us if you need help with your PIN.
  • Unknown borrower barcode
    The library card number you typed is not in our system. Check to make sure that you entered the right number, and that there are no spaces before, after or between the numbers. If you haven't used your card in a long time, it may no longer be in our system. Visit one of our locations to get a new card.
  • Invalid Library Card
    The library card number you typed is a temporary self-registered card. If you registered for a card online, you will need to visit one of our libraries to get a permanent card that allows access to OverDrive.
  • You do not have approved status
    A staff member needs to make a quick change to your account. Call or visit your local library or contact us.
  • You are barred from borrowing
    If you have two or more overdue books, you will not be able to log in to use the download library. You can check your library account for details or call your local library for more information.
  • Your card has expired
    Your library card is past its expiration date.
    • Self-registered accounts are good for 60 days. You will need to visit a library with photo ID and proof of address to get a permanent account.
    • If you pay the annual $25 fee for a non-resident account, it may be time to renew your account.
    • Call or visit one of our locations for more information.
  • The library authentication server is overwhelmed due to high volume
    There is an issue with the server that handles WCPL's OverDrive logins. Wait five minutes and try again. If the problem continues, please contact us.

If none of these errors fits what you're seeing, please contact us and include any error messages you see.

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