Sometimes hold notices, "coming due" notices or overdue notices are blocked by email service providers as spam. You might find our emails in your spam folder, or they could be blocked before they even get to you.
Mail providers are constantly updating their spam filters, so this can happen even if you have received notices from us before.
Unfortunately, we have no control over how your email provider handles spam filtering. Your best chance of getting our email around your filters is to add our email addresses to your address book or whitelist:
Some people prefer to whitelist entire domains. Here are the domains we use:
If you need help adding addresses to your address book/whitelist or if whitelisting our addresses does not work, check your email provider's Help or Support page for instructions or contact your email provider for further assistance.
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Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 5 PM
We are not available when libraries are closed for a holiday or inclement weather.